
Caged bird by maya angelou
Caged bird by maya angelou

caged bird by maya angelou

Once again, the writer focuses on the free bird who thinks about another breeze and the global winds. Also, his songs are heard far away as distant hills because the poor bird sings about Freedom. The writer explains that the caged bird thinks fearfully of the things he does not know but still desires to talk about them. This stanza sheds light on the struggle of the caged bird. However, his mouth dares to sing to the world. Unfortunately, he cannot taste the joys of the beautiful natural world because his feet are tied, and his wings are clipped. This stanza highlights the suffering of the bird who stalks down in his narrow imprisonment. He confidently dips his wings in the orange sun rays and claims the sky his own. The speaker explains how he flies up and down following the pattern of the winds. This stanza highlights the carefree flight of a free bird. In-depth Analysis of the “Caged Bird” by Maya Angelou Stanza#1 End rhyme is used to make the stanza melodious some of the examples of end rhyme are still/hill, cage/rage, and heard/bird. Although the poem does not follow any strict rhyme or meter, yet at some places, she has inserted end rhyme. To make her words sound louder, she divided this poem into five stanzas carrying different verses. Another powerful literary element is irony she has used this device to show how the world gives the cold shoulder to the caged bird’s depressing and attention-seeking song.īesides literary devices, the poet has also inserted some poetic devices to add more variety. The free bird symbolizes the upper class that enjoys every bliss of life, while the “caged bird” stands for the black people. Since every word of the poet conveys deeper and symbolic meaning, Maya Angelou has also used Symbolism in this poem. Similarly, she has used imagery to create a mental picture of the words in her reader’s mind, such as “and the fat worms waiting on a bright dawn lawn” and “But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams.”

caged bird by maya angelou

The first evident device is assonance, the repetition of vowel sounds in the same verse: “and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees.” In addition, the writer has repeated the sounds of /e/ and /o/ to emphasize her point. The poem “Caged Bird” contains several literary as well as poetic devices. Analysis of Literary Elements Used in “Caged Bird”

Caged bird by maya angelou